"How do you make your boyfriend happy?"
One way or another, you'll end up asking that question which has been asked by women from all four corners of the globe. Whether it's your first long-term and serious relationship or it's your 15th, you want it to be satisfying and fulfilling for both you and your boyfriend.
After all, if you're thinking only about how you can be happy inside the relationship and you're shoving your man's needs to the side, it will only be a matter of time before he leaves.
Now here's the bad news - asking your boyfriend what would make him happy won't cut it. How come? Here's why - men aren't emotional creatures. They're the sex who'd use raw facts and figures rather than their instincts or 'feel' when dealing with different situations.
That's precisely the reason why asking them straight away won't do. They have a hard time dealing with their own emotions...let alone put them in words! BUT that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do about it.
Through thousands of polls and interviews along with the help of psychologists and relationship doctors, finally, it has been figured out what is the Number One thing a man looks for in a relationship.
How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - One Thing A Girlfriend MUST Do
I want this to be straightforward - a happy girlfriend keeps a boyfriend happy.
You've read that right. If you show how your man how joyful you are being his girlfriend, he'll stay. It's NOT about your looks or your openness to sex (though these 2 still matter). It's ultimately how you behave when you're together. For a man, his formula for measuring how worthwhile a relationship is if his girlfriend compliments him, smiles when he's around, etc.
How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - What You MUST Avoid Like Plague
With that in mind, there is one thing you should avoid doing at all costs...Nagging.
Nagging whenever he makes a slight and insignificant error shows that you don't appreciate for who he is and that you're NOT happy being with him. It's of little wonder why nagging is the fastest and deadliest killer of a man's love and interest for a woman.
By the way, did you know that so many women make their own lives and relationships harder than they need to be by not learning the basic foundations of how men view love, connection, attraction and relationships?
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