Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Top 10 Job Interview Strategies That Guarantee Success in Your Interviews

Job interviews can be a mystery. But you can find success if you follow the right job interview strategies. The following 10 tips are the best job interview strategies to follow if you want to ace your next interview.

10 Best Job Interview Strategies

1. Study the company

Top 10 Job Interview Strategies That Guarantee Success in Your Interviews

One of the best job interview strategies that most candidates ignore is to study the current events of the company. Knowing what the current events of the company is important so that you can ask pertinent questions. Doing so will show the interviewer that you have done your homework, and also have a genuine interest in the company. This strategy will definitely help your job interview.

2. Know your resume

As a candidate, you should be very familiar with your resume. In any job interview, anything on your resume is at the interviewer's disposal. Implementing this job interview strategy will help build credibility with your interviewer. Speaking intelligently about each of your previous positions will help do this, and is one of the best job interview strategies to follow.

3. Prepare an interview emergency kit

Many candidates don't properly prepare for a job interview. Getting together a "job interview kit" is a great job interview strategy to follow. Suggested items for the kit include extra copies of your resume, directions to the office, a bottle of water, eye drops, pens, and notepad. But you should only bring the extra copies of your resume into the office with you, preferably in a portfolio.

4. Study job description

After landing an interview, you need to study the job description to truly understand what the interviewer is looking for. If the description calls for attentiveness to detail, you will want to tailor the discussion accordingly. Knowing this, you can navigate the interview and discuss examples from previous jobs that will exemplify this trait. Do this for all significant traits or qualities that you identify in the job description. This is one of the best job interview strategies I have used, and know that it can bring you success.

5. Build rapport

You know the saying, "There's never a second chance to make a first impression/" That holds very true in the case of job interviews. That is why building rapport is such an important job interview strategy. Shake hands, make eye contact, and smile. Put those three together when you first meet your interviewer and it will set a positive tone for the rest of the interview.

6. Make eye contact

Making positive eye contact is one of the best job interview strategies to follow. Eye contact is one of the strongest forms of nonverbal communication. A person's qualities and personality can be detected simply based on eye contact. Making direct eye contact communicates confidence and high self-esteem, two key qualities employers look for in candidates.

Thus, it is very important that you make eye contact when you first meet interviewer and shake hands. And during the interview, it is important to make eye contact, not only when you talk, but also as you listen. Simply doing this job interview strategy will greatly help your chances of success in an interview.

7. Body language

Just as eye contact speaks volumes about you, so does your body language. Proper body language conveys confidence and high self-esteem. During the interview, things like sitting up straight with your chest out and keeping a pleasant demeanor on your face will project confidence. The interviewer will be aware of this, and it will help you stand out in his/her mind.

8. Display your skills with concrete examples

When it comes to discussing their skills, many candidates make the mistake of "telling" instead of "showing." One of the best job interview strategies is to use concrete examples to demonstrate their skills to the interviewer. For example, if one of your skills is successfully handling multiple tasks at once, providing an example of how you do that will help paint a picture for the interviewer. It also gives the interviewer something to "hold on to" once the interview is over, and helps him/her remember you when it comes to decision time.

9. Be yourself

A common mistake that many candidates make is not being themselves. Some feel that they need to fit a certain mold and act accordingly. This will only end up hurting both parties in the end when your "true" personality comes out. You will be surprised how easy it is to detect insincerity during an interview. Thus, it is important to be professional, but also maintain your true essence. When you do this, your sincerity will be picked up by the interviewer. This is one of the best job interview strategies to implement, and will go a long way in determining your success.

10. Follow up quickly

After the job interview, send a thank you note to the interview. These days, an email is fine, but traditionally a handwritten card is sent. Whatever method you choose, do it promptly after the interview. The correspondence should be sent the next day after the interview. Many hiring decisions are made quickly these days, so timeliness is very important.

You now have 10 of the best job interview strategies to follow. There are many aspects of a successful job interview, but if you implement these 10 best job interview strategies listed above, your chances of success will skyrocket!

Top 10 Job Interview Strategies That Guarantee Success in Your Interviews
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Robert Lawrence is a job interview expert who has interviewed candidates for multiple Fortune 500 companies. In his newly released book, Killer Interview Secrets, Robert reveals his "Killer Interview Formula" that will help you ace your interviews and have job offers fall into your lap! He even gives you audio files where he walks you through a real-life interview -- so you can hear what winning interview answers actually sound like! It's time to stop watching others get the jobs you deserve! Click here to visit Robert's website @ www.KillerInterviewSecrets.com and get your copy of Killer Interview Secrets today!

Friday, December 21, 2012

How to Get a Bartending Job with Little or No Experience

Lots of people want to get a bartending job but don't know how to go about doing it. This article will expose some of the myths of bartending jobs and show you the steps to getting your first bartending job.

The first step in getting a bartending job is getting an interview. Without putting yourself in front of the people who do the hiring you can't get a bartending job. This step seems simple enough but many would-be bartenders get caught up in the myth of "they won't hire me without any experience." Please don't misunderstand me - some bartending jobs require experience, but most do not. Experience is required at high volume, super fast paced establishments. For these bartending jobs you must be extremely efficient at making drinks and serving customers - there is just no time to learn on the job. But most establishments are not high volume and super fast paced. So why are you still hearing that they want experience?

Employers often use the "no experience" reason for not hiring as a polite way to end the conversation. The truth is that in most establishments your Attitude is way more important than your experience. Experience breeds bad habits. Many owners and managers would rather hire a "blank slate" and train them properly. But this "blank slate" must have a phenomenal attitude. It is your duty to not only develop this phenomenal attitude but to make sure it shines through during the application process so that you can put it on full display during your interview.

How to Get a Bartending Job with Little or No Experience

Here are two tools that will make sure your great attitude is conveyed during your job search. Write a cover letter and a resume. Many bartending jobs will only require that you fill out their application. If you want to be included with the group of people applying for the job and don't want to stand out - then by all means, fill out the application. If you want to elevate yourself above the crowd - then have a really great cover letter and resume than separates you from the pack.

In order to have a great cover letter and resume you must design it specifically for getting a bartending job. Do not be generic. To write a compelling cover letter you need to tell a compelling story. Remember all the challenging situations you have been in. Try to remember even the smallest details. Is the story about how you handled an aggravated customer? Is about some obstacle you overcame? Does it show how you are a great team player and employee? Your cover letter must show -not tell- that you are a great hire. The employer needs a reason to hire you; you must give them that reason by showing how you will be an asset to their organization.

After you have told a compelling story in your cover letter you must back it up with a solid resume. This resume doesn't have to have bartending experience on it, but it must be tailored to bartending. It should never have irrelevant information (i.e. type 90 words a minute; proficient in excel; etc.) You would be amazed at how many resumes get thrown in the garbage because the applicant doesn't bother to even list relevant information. Examples of relevant information and experience could include: used upselling techniques to increase sales per customer visit, learned customer satisfaction is exceeding - not meeting - customer expectations, voted "easiest to talk to" in my high school yearbook. Notice that none of these bullet points requires bartending experience. You need to tailor your previous experience, no matter what it was, to fit the skill sets of bartending.

Once you have gained an interview for a bartending job by using the above mentioned tools you must then ace the bartending job interview. Interviews for bartending jobs are very different then interviews for traditional jobs. Bartending requires that you put your personality on display and you must do this in the interview. The tools that you created to get your bartending job interview will come in very handy in preparation for the interview. Since you have created a compelling cover letter and resume all you need to do to prepare for the interview is review them. Have stories ready. Be able to speak intelligently about your experiences and how they relate to bartending. And most importantly, get the interviewer to like you. If they feel like you are likeable and have a positive attitude they will think that their customers will like you and spend more money. Also, people want to work with people they like. Make it your priority in your interview to make the interview feel more like a conversation. Don't give one word answers, put your opinions and personality on display. Talk to the interviewer about bartending and topics most likely to interest them. If you seem more like a friend then like an applicant you will get the job.

In conclusion, bartending jobs are not as hard to get as it seems. Aspiring bartenders just don't usually know where to start. This article lays the foundation for beginning your bartending job search.

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For more detailed information and techniques check out my free newsletter and program at http://www.getabartendingjob.com

Brian Williams has over 12 years in the Bar, Bartending and Food and Beverage industries. He has helped dozens of people get a bartending job through his Seven Secrets Program. His program and free "Get a Bartending Job" Newsletter are available at http://www.getabartendingjob.com

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

UK Visa Interview Tips

Lot of people desire to get settled in United kingdom but lack of right knowledge, which creates problems. You need to go through the interview process in order to avail the UK immigration visa. The interview is conducted by a UK visa consulate officer. The time period of interview process varies according to the performance of person at the introductory part of interview. The person is judged by visa officer according to his confidence as to how he creatively answers to the questions.

There are certain visa interview tips which should be helpful to the visa applicant:

1) The applicant needs to approach the visa consulate officer with confidence and positivity. If you are leaving a current job, mention the reason of leaving with positive intention and the opportunity that can enhance your career prospects.

UK Visa Interview Tips

2) Outline the valid reason for leaving the native country and your usefulness in UK. If you are from a technical background do mention that you would add tremendous value to the UK economy.

3) Give at least two references working presently in your organization. Give all the answers in a proper manner and to the point. Do not forget to describe the work profile in the companies with whom you have worked.

4) Try to answer all his questions without hesitation in the first attempt, which creates a positive impact in the mind of visa consulate officer. Try to reach before the scheduled time of interview and review all the answers for possible questions which will be asked by interviewer.

5) Approach the Visa consulate officer with a confident smile. Opt to wear formal dress at the time of interview which often impresses the interviewer, as he or she belongs to United Kingdom where formals are more appreciated in official meetings or interviews.

6) The most important attribute would be honesty in answering. If you try to deceive the officer you are more likely to get caught and that may end all your prospects of the UK Visa.

7) Try to show a strong Financial capability. But do remember it needs to be truth and not fabricated.

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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Common Interview Questions

These are some of the most common questions who will get asked in interviews.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Briefly tell the interviewer some highlights of your life so far. Say things that will liken your chances of being successful in the interview. Example: I come from a family of accountants, growing up in the family business; I left school and studied my diploma of accounting.

What are your strengths?

Common Interview Questions

This is where you describe what you are best at - you need to persuade the interviewer that you are confident and know what your strengths are. Many jobs look for people with skills in team environment skills, administration skills, computer/technology skills, customer service skills, sales. Your strengths can also be things like being a hard worker and having a can-do attitude. All employers want their employees to have those skills.

What are your weaknesses?

This can be a tricky question - you don't want to make yourself sound bad. Some good examples are - In the past I have lacked self confidence but I am improving, or - I am shy, but once I get to know people come out of my shell in no time.

What makes you think you are the right person for this job?

Here you can use an example of a time in another job when you used similar skills and what the outcome was. For the last 2 years I have worked as an Administration assistant and have used my data entry and filing skills on a daily basis, and I have also learnt how to work as part of a team. This is why I am confident I fit this position.

What do you know about our company?

The internet is a great way to research companies. When you get asked this question, the interviewer wants to see that you have made an effort in finding out information.
You should find out -

How long the business has been running for?
What year did it open/start?
What their goals are?
Who their audience is?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Interviewers ask this question because they want to know if you are serious about this position with them or you are just using it until something better comes along. It is always best to say something like - In 5 years time I see myself making a long term commitment and am most interested in pursuing this position.

Do you have any questions for me?

This is an important question - the interviewer expects you to ask questions.

For example -

Are there possibilities that this role could take me to a higher position in the future?
Is there any training I will need to take part in?
When should I expect to hear from you?

Common Interview Questions
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Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Make Your Boyfriend Happy - The One Thing You Must Do and One Thing You Must Avoid

"How do you make your boyfriend happy?"

One way or another, you'll end up asking that question which has been asked by women from all four corners of the globe. Whether it's your first long-term and serious relationship or it's your 15th, you want it to be satisfying and fulfilling for both you and your boyfriend.

After all, if you're thinking only about how you can be happy inside the relationship and you're shoving your man's needs to the side, it will only be a matter of time before he leaves.

How to Make Your Boyfriend Happy - The One Thing You Must Do and One Thing You Must Avoid

Now here's the bad news - asking your boyfriend what would make him happy won't cut it. How come? Here's why - men aren't emotional creatures. They're the sex who'd use raw facts and figures rather than their instincts or 'feel' when dealing with different situations.

That's precisely the reason why asking them straight away won't do. They have a hard time dealing with their own emotions...let alone put them in words! BUT that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do about it.

Through thousands of polls and interviews along with the help of psychologists and relationship doctors, finally, it has been figured out what is the Number One thing a man looks for in a relationship.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - One Thing A Girlfriend MUST Do
I want this to be straightforward - a happy girlfriend keeps a boyfriend happy.

You've read that right. If you show how your man how joyful you are being his girlfriend, he'll stay. It's NOT about your looks or your openness to sex (though these 2 still matter). It's ultimately how you behave when you're together. For a man, his formula for measuring how worthwhile a relationship is if his girlfriend compliments him, smiles when he's around, etc.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - What You MUST Avoid Like Plague
With that in mind, there is one thing you should avoid doing at all costs...Nagging.

Nagging whenever he makes a slight and insignificant error shows that you don't appreciate for who he is and that you're NOT happy being with him. It's of little wonder why nagging is the fastest and deadliest killer of a man's love and interest for a woman.

By the way, did you know that so many women make their own lives and relationships harder than they need to be by not learning the basic foundations of how men view love, connection, attraction and relationships?

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Answer To What Are Your Weaknesses Interview Question

Interviewers who ask, "What are your weaknesses" do not expect you to admit to an embarrassing weakness. And while they know you've the rehearsed an answer to the greatest weakness interview question, interviewers want to see how well you handle it.

How to answer, "What are your weaknesses?"

You need to have several arrows in your quiver to handle this question. That's because some interviewers will press you to reveal a true weakness. When that happens, offer an answer and hope it satisfies your listener. If it doesn't, move on to the second answer. If that doesn't work, use the third and fourth answers in turn.

Answer To What Are Your Weaknesses Interview Question

Here are four answers to the weaknesses question. As mentioned in the last paragraph, they're intended to be used one at a time -

Answer #1

"I guess we all have weaknesses. But it's been a long time since I've thought about mine. I prefer to focus on my strengths and make them even stronger. That's why I've had such a successful career up to this point."

This is a good answer to the greatest weaknesses interview question because we're all born with strengths and weaknesses. To be successful, you need to focus on your strengths and use them the most. You must also be aware of your weaknesses and stop doing them.

If the interviewer says you haven't really answered the question, move on to....

Answer #2

"As I said, we all have weaknesses. But from what you've told me about the job, I know I won't be required to use a weakness."

At this point, you hope the interviewer will move on to the next question. But if she continues pressing, say...

Answer #3

"What I love about the job is that it allows me to use my strengths."

Finally, if the interviewer insists on another response, go to....

Answer #4

Talk about a technical skill that's not related to the position you're seeking; a skill you can easily learn. Then explain how you're working on "an area I've targeted for improvement." Here, you're replaced the word "weaknesses" with, "an area I've targeted for improvement."

You can say, for example, "I've gotten a bit rusty in my hands on computer skills since becoming a manager. So I'm spending time each week doing hands on work in order to stay on top.

In a nutshell

An interview is not a confessional. Whenever you're asked, "What are your weaknesses?" avoid talking about a shortcoming in your personality or admitting a true weakness. Both would be deal killers.

Answer To What Are Your Weaknesses Interview Question
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Randy Place, a career management consultant in private practice, and Internet host of Your Career Service - http://www.yourcareerservice.com Daily posts feature job-finding tips and career management advice. Topics include job interview tips, networking strategies, dealing with job loss, resume writing and personalized cover letters, getting ahead at work, how to handle standard interview questions and much more.